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Healthy Oils is a small family organisation that aims to provide the highest quality organic products from around the UK and European Union at reasonable prices.
Our products are unique and cannot be bought in supermarkets. All our products are sold through independent shops.
In 2003 Healthy Oils started importing organic high quality products that can be traced back to the farms. In fact one of our suppliers, the Luque family in Spain, uses a system of traceability that allows the family to show exactly where their olive oil comes from. Every bottle and tin is numbered and this enables the family to identify from which trees the olive oil of each individual container comes from.
All our products are sourced from cooperatives or family businesses throughout the European Union. As an organisation we strongly support small independent shops. We buy in large quantities directly from the producers and we sell directly to independent retailers. Wholesalers are thus eliminated.
We are totally committed to offering you a wider and more affordable range of organic products. At the same time we strongly believe that organic producers, including UK ones, need a fair price for their products, which covers the cost of production and gives a reasonable return.
The objectives of Healthy Oils are:
- To provide small organic farmers with a market for their products.
- To provide existing organic farmers with the opportunity to expand their production.
- To encourage non-organic farmers to convert to organic farming.
- To pay farmers a fair price for their products.
- To buy produce from certified farmers complying to strict organic standards.
- To provide its customers with excellent products at affordable prices.
- To help independent shops provide an alternative to supermarkets.
We are also constantly looking for new independent retailers to supply. If you are an independent retailer, who likes to support an independent importer/distributor with high ethical standards then send us an e-mail. We can supply you with superior quality organic products that cannot be bought anywhere else.
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